Thursday, 18 April 2013

My Speech

 Today I did my speech about Inspiration and aspirations

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

This is my April rain song please check it out it is AWESOME!

My class hearts!

Today,  Room 5 are re-evaluating our class goals which we call “Our Hearts”. At the moment our hearts are: respect, being eager to learn,self control, giving 100% effort, being at school everyday and asking for help.

In my opinion, the most important heart is respect because I think it is a good heart because respect is something we all need to remember.  I need to practice showing respect to my classmates.

Another heart which I think we need is self control because I think I need to learn more about that and I need this heart because I am not good at keeping my hands and my legs to myself.

The heart that I am going to focus on for the rest of the term is respect because sometimes I disrespect my classmates and I need to stop making bad choices.