Thursday, 26 February 2015

S.S.R Artical

Here is an artical that I red when it was S.S.R. This story is really funny to me because it's about a man who come's home to his car and it getting Car Jacked by a Koala. I red this story on the New Zealand Herald.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

My Hero

WALT: Create an DLO that shows what your Hero can do and what they do.
My beautiful art teacher Miss. Manuyag has showed us a site that we can go on to create our own Super-Hero. So I created my Hero and her name is NAW.D (Naughty) I have created this name for her because this is my other name I get called at home (NAW.D) . After creating our Super Hero we created a DLO (Digital learning Object) that shows what my Super Hero is about. 

Friday, 20 February 2015

Maths Online Game

This is a game I played today and it's a really good game it helps me develop my maths knowledge and it also helps me with my thinking skills. This is a really good game and its called Arcademic Skill Builders and if you click on games it will come up with any Learning game you can play and I picked this game to help me develop my maths knowledge and be a fast thinker to know the answers straight away. 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

My connections with Heroes

This is my home work I finished off today at home. This google drawing
relates to my inquiry topic "Heroes" These questions on my google drawing
are al about heroes. There can be fake and real heroes but my hero is my Dad.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Maths Game Online

This is a game that I was playing during maths time with my buddy Teina. This game involves multiplication and I came second ( Yellow Car ). My missed out questions means what I need to work on next time. 

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Kia Manawanui Collage

Here is a collage that I made. These two collages represent a important word called Kia manawanui, Kia manawanui means big hearted and to me big hearted means Caring and Sharing being lovable and building positive relationships with other people. In our community it means a lot to us. What does Kia manawanui mean to you?

Definition Battle

 This drawing is about the differences between a superhero and a real life hero. We had to do our normal superhero and our real life superhero and me and my partner Lauren we did our real life hero as doctors. One reason why we choose doctors is because when theirs something wrong with you they can help you. 

2015 Title Page

This is my 2015 title page for our inquiry. It may not look good or have a superhero on it but he is my Hero. 

Alliteration Words

My 2015 Trump Goals

Malo lelei and Talofa lava welcome to my 2015 Trump Goal presentation. These are my trump goals that I am working on to achieve inside and outside of school.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Kia manawanui Goal for 2015

This is my Kia manawanui characteristic tree. This represents me and how I learn inside and out of school and also in school. In the white writing I have wrote a quote and my quote says "It's not what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful it's what you have in your heart."