Mothers Day - By Lavinia
Mothers Day Ceremony:
Today I had a amazing day with my family on Mothers Day. To start off our day we went to church we did it normal but today is Mothers Day so as usual our normal band sings but since it was Mothers Day all the mothers had to sing in the band. My mum preached the word of god, My aunty talked about how speacial Mothers Day is, My Nana did a prayer to start of our Mothers Day ceremony. I had a good day today especially when it came to the end of church all the mothers presented an item (Dancing & Acting) the last item was real hilarious because each mum had to do a funny dance it was really funny our church couldn't stop laughing! After the Mothers Day Item all the mothers had to stand up in a circle and sing while all the kids get ready to go give each mum a Hug & Kiss, Then give them a Lollies necklace and then say Happy Mothers Day. The best part that I enjoyed after church was eating all of the Lollies necklace cause they looked so yummy!
Usually for us Samoans we have Umu's for Mothers Day & Fathers Day but no it was different today. After Mothers Day church today we went as a whole Family (Whole Church) to Happy Days in Manukau. We went to Happy Days in Manukau because it was closer to our church but it was worth eating though Lols. When we entered Happy Days it was really full of different cultural people there were Cookislands, Tongans, Samoans and etc .... our church had the most people because it was a big church. First all the mothers went to do there food first then next it was the Fathers then last it was the kids. I had one plate and then I was really full some had 2 plates with heaps and heaps of food on top after I ate next I had desert my desert was Cookies & Cream Ice cream with chocolate fudge it was yummy but at the same time it was cold because of the Ice cream.
After a big feed me and our church youth went outside to play a game while the parents and the elders stay inside to have a discussion. Our youth game that we played is called BOOM Clap we had to all stand in a circle and we all had to say BOOM Clap and then rhyme something with the BOOM clap so you can get a beat in it and if you get it wrong your out then you keep carrying on. If you read it, it may sound boring but if you actually try the game it is really fun and funny at the same time.
Finishing Up:
After our 15 minute game we got told to come back inside because we were heading back home. My mum had to stand up and do a 5 minute prayer then after that our pastor said a Thank You message to everyone who participated on this day then lastly we all had to stand up in front of everyone in Happy Day's and sing 2 songs to finish off the day. While we were singing our song I felt really nervous because everyone stopped eating and looked at us and I was just standing there freaking out at the same time. After we sang our sang everyone started clapping and I felt really loved lols.
Heading Back Home:
As we were heading home we had millions of ballons in our car from our Mothers Day Ceremony. I was really squashed with all the balloons around me & when my dad went to reverse the car he couldn't see anything because our car was full of Balloons. I couldn't breath in the car because I didn't have enough air cause all the balloons so we stopped at McDonalds in Panmure then my dad asked me "Guys do you want frozen drink" then we all said yes so my mum and dad went to buy it and they brought frozen Lime for each of us then we came back home.
The End Of My Day