Thursday, 21 May 2015

Food Technology - Bacon & Egg Pie

WALT: Follow Instructions when we are Cooking

Hey Guys! Here is my Food Technology Presentation that I have completed with my 2 buddies today Amelia & Paris. This presentation show's what I have cooked today in Food Technology (Food Tech) Today we cooked Bacon & Egg Pie. If some of use don't know how to make it well then here's your chance of viewing it. Have Fun! 

Soccer Tournament Recount

WALT: Write a recount about our soccer tournament

Hey guys! Above is a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about our Year 7 & 8 girls Soccer tournament that we had on Tuesday at Madills Farm. We versed a lot of good schools that played really good and had great Soccer skills I would like to say Thank you to all the Year 7 & 8 girls who played well in my team you guys represented us well out there even though we came 4th Keep It Up! 

Humble Winners, Gracious Loosers ! 

Saturday, 16 May 2015

School Value in a Myth from my Culture - By Lavinia

I am learning to describe how the school values are implemented and revealed in a Myth.

Here is a DLO (Digital Learning Object) that one of my teacher shared to us and we have to complete it by ourselves so we can do an Art project on this. At school we have 4 school values the first one is Rangimarie - Rangimarie means peace, Our second school value is Tukumarie - Tukumarie means Tolerance, Our third one is Whanaungatanga - Whanaungatanga means Building relationship with others, and finally our last school value is Manaakitanga - Manaakitanga means caring for others and so for our Inquiry topic (Myths & Legends) we had to relate them towards our school values. Also I wrote the Myth from what I know about it, so enjoy and comment. 

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Classroom Objects in Te Reo Maori - By Mehi & Lavinia

WALT: Translate normal everyday classroom objects into Te Reo Maori.

This is a Presentation that I have created with my buddy Mehi. This task is about translating normal everyday object names into Te Reo Maori. I found this task quite easy because we had a Maori dictionary to help us. It was great working with my buddy Mehi too.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Compare & Contrast - By Mana, Maopa & Lavinia

WAL: The difference between a Myth and a Legend.

This is a D.L.O that one of my classmates did before he moved to another School. This is a D.L.O he shared to us so we can know more about Myths & Legends we had to Compare and Contrast two stories called Rainbow Crow & Robin Hood.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Mothers Day

Mothers Day - By Lavinia

Mothers Day Ceremony:
Today I had a amazing day with my family on Mothers Day. To start off our day we went to church we did it normal but today is Mothers Day so as usual our normal band sings but since it was Mothers Day all the mothers had to sing in the band. My mum preached the word of god, My aunty talked about how speacial Mothers Day is, My Nana did a prayer to start of our Mothers Day ceremony. I had a good day today especially when it came to the end of church all the mothers presented an item (Dancing & Acting) the last item was real hilarious because each mum had to do a funny dance it was really funny our church couldn't stop laughing! After the Mothers Day Item all the mothers had to stand up in a circle and sing while all the kids get ready to go give each mum a Hug & Kiss, Then give them a Lollies necklace and then say Happy Mothers Day. The best part that I enjoyed after church was eating all of the Lollies necklace cause they looked so   yummy!

Usually for us Samoans we have Umu's for Mothers Day & Fathers Day but no it was different today. After Mothers Day church today we went as a whole Family (Whole Church) to Happy Days in Manukau. We went to Happy Days in Manukau because it was closer to our church but it was worth eating though Lols. When we entered Happy Days it was really full of different cultural people there were Cookislands, Tongans, Samoans and etc .... our church had the most people because it was a big church. First all the mothers went to do there food first then next it was the Fathers then last it was the kids. I had one plate and then I was really full some had 2 plates with heaps and heaps of food on top after I ate next I had desert my desert was Cookies & Cream Ice cream with chocolate fudge it was yummy but at the same time it was cold because of the Ice cream.    

After a big feed me and our church youth went outside to play a game while the parents and the elders stay inside to have a discussion. Our youth game that we played is called BOOM Clap we had to all stand in a circle and we all had to say BOOM Clap and then rhyme something  with the BOOM clap so you can get a beat in it and if you get it wrong your out then you keep carrying on. If you read it, it may sound boring but if you actually try the game it is really fun and funny at the same time.

Finishing Up:
After our 15 minute game we got told to come back inside because we were heading back home. My mum had to stand up and do a 5 minute prayer then after that our pastor said a Thank You message to everyone who participated on this day then lastly we all had to stand up in front of everyone in Happy Day's and sing 2 songs to finish off the day. While we were singing our song I felt really nervous because everyone stopped eating and looked at us and I was just standing there freaking out at the same time. After we sang our sang everyone started clapping and I felt really loved lols.

Heading Back Home:
As we were heading home we had millions of ballons in our car from our Mothers Day Ceremony. I was really squashed with all the balloons around me & when my dad went to reverse the car he couldn't see anything because our car was full of Balloons. I couldn't breath in the car because I didn't have enough air cause all the balloons so we stopped at McDonalds in Panmure then my dad asked me "Guys do you want frozen drink" then we all said yes so my mum and dad went to buy it and they brought frozen Lime for each of us then we came back home.

The End Of My Day

Friday, 8 May 2015

Friends WANTED !

Here is a D.L.O that I created and completed today with the help of my Room mate buddy Mehi. This D.L.O is about Friends you want in your life and here is a list that I want my Best Friend to be like. I have also added in Friendship Quotes and pictures to support my work.

Morning Tea !!

Today for Morning Tea me & some of my classmates played Somakalo and it was really fun because we came together as a group and we all participated in the game and played.  First it was a little of us playing then some of us and then on the last round heaps of students played. Every time someone was out we will always scream or laugh loud but the other students told us to be quiet so we tried our best being quite but we just kept yelling cause the game was really fun. Here's some of us playing our fun game.

Myths & Legends Similarties

WAL: The similarity between a Myth & a Legend.

Here is a D.L.O (Digital Learning Object) that me and my buddy Maa'si has worked on during Morning Tea. This task is based on our Inquiry topic Myths & Legends, me & my buddy Maa'si compared the similarities between a myth and legend.

Looking at Friendships

This is a task about looking at friendships. In this task we had to write down what are negative things about friendships and what are positive things about friendships.
I think that this task helps me to develop new positive friends and how to stay away from negative friends.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Definition - Gods & Goddesses

Hey guys, here is an D.L.O that me and my buddy Deandra finished of but forgot to blog (Soory for the late one) This is a D.L.O that shows the meaning of Gods & Goddesses. So if some of you's don't know what it means check out me & my buddy Deandra's work. 

Food Technology Presentation

WALT: Follow instructions when we are cooking. 

Hey there! If you don't know this is a Food Technology presentation that I completed by myself today. This presentation shows what I cooked today and the recipe so you can cook this at home. For food Technology we made Rich Chocolate Cake and if you don't know how to make it while here is your chance to copy the recipe.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Blog Commenting ( T2 W3 )

Hello again guys! Here is an presentation that I completed today by myself during reading but forgot to Blog. So if you have a look through my presentation I have been blog commenting on my friends blogs so sit back and relax and view my work.

Sam Smith News !!

Devastating News About Sam Smith

So today I was reading Kiwi Kids News and it came up with an artical that involved Sam Smith in it yes I did click on it and I felt quite sad about it. Sam Smith has been forced to remain silence because he is suffering a Hemorrhage meaning blood vessels within the vocal fold burst. Sadly he had to cancel some if his concerts in Australia due to his problem. I really hope he gets enough rest so he can finish of his amazing tour. Get better soon Sam Smith xx 

Things Just Got Real !!

So today I'm just gonna talk about old news but yeah I just wanted to blog about the Tonga & Samoa rugby game. Yes it maybe old news but something just got real on Internet. So yeah Samoa won against Tonga everyone knows that but for Samoans just because Tonga lost it doesn't give you the right to mock them on social media! Come on guys we all know better then that this can affect others so STOP because were all brothers and sisters and we don't deserve to mock each other it is good to be a joke but remember don't take it serious because things might get out of hand so please were all a family so just remember that. 

P.S Thanks for listening.  

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Maths - Addition Triangle

So yes I had nothing to do but usually when other people have nothing to do they go on Facebook or they go straight on Facebook yes I sometimes do that but I'm not good at maths so I'm using my spare time to challenge myself. So I did an Addition Triangle with the help of my Older sister Patrishar and this was to challenge my brain how good I am at Maths. 

Maths - Problem 1 :

For maths today we worked as a whole class on one task
with our teach Ms. Aireen. We had to do the 3 problems 
above but this is my first problem. For some of use who 
don't get it the equation is telling us that can 5g and 7g
exactly weigh 38g? Can it or can it not? Comment below
for your thoughts.

Monday, 4 May 2015

10 Fast Fingers Challenge

During my spare time today I was playing Typing Test English -  10 fast fingers. I was challenging myself how fast I can type and spell so I got 36 words per minute, 33 words correct and nothing wrong. I think I should keep working on it so I can time myself how fast my hand are at typing.

Checkout my Results

Bedtime Prayer

So here is a prayer that my mum helped me pray before I got to sleep. 

My brothers and sisters, let us pray.
Heavenly father, thank you for the many blessings you have given upon us, thank you for the gospel and it's teachings, thank you for the chance to be able to live with you in the next life. I ask thee to bless us all, I ask thee to invite the spirit, so that we know harm and danger may not fall upon us, I ask thee to bring happiness and love to those who are in need of them, I also ask thee to give us a good future. I humbly say this in the name of thy son Jesus Christ amen.

Welcome to the new Family - Newborn

So on the 1st of May 2015 at 1:57pm my little baby niece finally arrived into her new family. Her name is Agness Amatagafou Blue the name of her nanny's name (Agness Amatagafou) But I just wanted to thanks god for adding another beautiful blessing to our family. I love you so much little baby Aggy xx

HELP ! - Seth Lane (Young Fighter)

So as if you guys don't know there is a little boy out there his name is Seth Lane he is really sick and he's in hospital right now. He needs our help and he's looking for supporters who are out there to support him. I saw one of his video's on Facebook ( ) So I decided to watch it on Youtube. Seth has been confined to a sterile room, unable to enjoy the world as a normal kid. Caused by a gene mutation Seth's lack of an immune system leaves him unable to fight off even the most benign germs. Something as simple as going outside could kill him. Most of the time he's alone sitting on the hospital bed really bored his mum admits "it's hard for him and he's getting bored" . The little fighter Seth made a heartbreaking video to raise awareness of his disease, in which he urges viewers to wear his favorite color yellow on March 27 2015 (past) and post a picture on social media with the accompanying #WearYellowForSeth hashtag. So please help this little fighter out. 


Results Between Pacquiao & Mayweather

So yesterday was the fight between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao ! I got the results yesterday that Floyd Mayweather has one the fight between him and Manny Pacquiao I thinks it's really sad that Pacquiao lost the fight because he put all his hard work in there to represent his country although I know it was a fear fight but I'm just saying. Yes I think Floyd did do a good job too. Even though Floyd won the fight I think it wasn't kind of fear (Just because I didn't vote for him I'm just saying) because the fight was in America and Floyd wanted his Referee to control the fight but it should of been one that wasn't on sides yes but he's still a winner. Even though Pacquiao lost the fight he's still a winner ! 

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Floyd Mayweather Vs Manny Pacquiao - Who is going to WIN ?

Wow! Things just got real between Mayweather & Pacquiao. Who do you think is gonna WIN? So if some of you's don't know there is going to be a fight tonight between the worlds light weight champion for 16 years Floyd Mayweather who is up against a man who Never Gives Up, Who is willing to try things out, Who represents his country Loud & Proud here he is presenting Manny Pacquiao. Tonight is there fight and I am super excited to watch it. 

You do you think is gonna WIN ? 

I go for Manny Pacquiao (Pacman
#TeamPacquiao for the WIN!!

How we Show Rangimarie in our Community

Hey everyone! Here is a Digital Learning Object that me & my buddy Maopa & Amelia worked on Friday. This D.L.O is about how we can show one of our Tamaki Values around our community. One of our Tamaki Values are Rangimarie and Rangimarie means Peace. If you want to know how we show Rangimarie around our Community you are free to Read it or check it out.

Happy Sabbath Day

Happy Sabbath everyone! Waking up early will change the way your family lives waking up early with the word of God will not only change the way you live but give your family power ! Everyone have a blessed Sunday and make sure you's stay out of trouble.

Genesis 2:3 
And god blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made. 

Characteristic of My Best Friend

Hey guys, So this is my characteristics of my BEST FRIEND! Yes we all have many best friends and we like calling them Mains/Ride or Die/Soul sister/brother etc. But this girl is like a real soul sister to me. I've known her for the past 5 years. She's been by my side 24/7 she will always be there to cheer me up even though we have a lot of our Up & Downs. She may make me sad or cry but at the end of the day we will always be by each others side. She is really special to me and no matter what I will always have her back cause she's my partner in crime and her name is Devine.