Sunday, 15 February 2015

Kia Manawanui Collage

Here is a collage that I made. These two collages represent a important word called Kia manawanui, Kia manawanui means big hearted and to me big hearted means Caring and Sharing being lovable and building positive relationships with other people. In our community it means a lot to us. What does Kia manawanui mean to you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like how you have chosen to blog the class brainstorm of words to describe the meaning of Kia Manawanui and the beautiful art work that came as a result Lavinia. Your description of the work shows you have really thought about what Kia Manawanui means to you - great job. Make sure that you say mention the different people involved in the work you post.

For me Kia Manawanui means perseverance and collaboration in our senior learning community.

What symbol did you draw to represent your ideas about Kia Manawanui?

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