Sunday, 7 June 2015

Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief - Movie Questions

Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief - Movie Questions

  1. What is the relationship between Zeus and Poseidon? The relationship between Zeus and Poseidon is that they are brothers.
  2. What learning difficulties has Percy been diagnosed with? Percy Jackson is diagnosed with Dyslexia which makes it hard for him to read or to interpret words, letters or symbols.
  3. Who is Zeus’s father? Zeus is father’s name is Kronos.
    4.What type of mythical creature does the substitute teacher change into   before attacking Percy? A fury which is a wild or violent anger.
  1. Why can’t Percy’s mum get into the camp? Percy’s mum can’t get into Camp because she isn’t a immortal of part God.
  2. How are Percy’s learning difficulties related to him being a demi-god? Percy’s dyslexia and 8 ohd are his strengths which were pointed out in the movie.
  3. What is the name of Anabeth’s mom? Annabeth's mom is Athena. Athena is God of Wisdom.
  4. How did Percy’s mum protect him by being married to Gabe? Percy’s mum protects Percy by his orclur overcomes the smell of Percy.
  5. How does Percy look at Medusa without turning to stone? Percy uses his phone for reflection to look at Medusa so he doesn't turn into a stone.
  6. How do the three heroes defeat the Hydra? The three heroes defeat the Hydra by using Medusa’s face that Percy cut off.
  7. How does going into the Lotus Casino affect Percy’s Quest? They dosed with a type of flower that looks like a cupcake that makes them stay for 5 days then they realise they have been trapped.
  8. Who stole Zeus’s lightning bolt? A boy from Percy’s camp named Luke. He stole it because he had enough of the god's and he wanted to rule over them.
  9. Where is the entrance to Olympus? The entrance to Olympus is in the Empire state building where the hidden elevator is behind the supplies.
  10. Who does Percy Jackson fight at the end? Percy Jackson fights Luke because Percy had the Lightning bolt and Luke wanted it back to rule over the gods.
  11. How did Percy defeat his enemy? Percy defeated his enemy by releasing the water from the huge water tank making the water hit Luke.
  12. What motivated Luke steal the lightning bolt? Luke stole the lightning bolt because he had enough of the God’s and he wanted to take over Olympus.

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